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Friday, August 24, 2007

New Blog Post With Dating Tips For People In Their Thirties

(OPENPRESS) August 24, 2007 -- Nicole Loves brand new article focuses on the advantages and disadvantages of dating in your thirties with quick tips to get you started on the dating scene.

Nicole begins by going over the common reasons that people are joining the dating scene in their thirties. She says that most people dating in their thirties are doing so because they have spent their 20's consolidating their finances so that their basic material concerns are taken care of. Now that they have taken care of their career paths they are ready to begin looking for that special someone.

Amongst the advantages that Nicole lists are financial security, levels of experience and self-confidence. A person in their 30's have gone through a lot more in life so their levels of experience are much higher than a younger person. These experiences also help create a greater sense of self-confidence, which works wonders on attracting the opposite sex. Best of all, they have a lot more money at their disposal that a 20 year old. This makes it easier to have dates with less stress when money is not that big of a concern.

Amongst the disadvantages Nicole lists social insecurity, high expectations and established habits and routines. She says that dating in your 30's can create a little insecurity because of worry about others ages on the dating scene. Coupled with routines that get established by the time your 30 and high expectations from your dates can create a few problems but these can easily be overcome with a little foresight and flexibility.

Nicole love writes on the blog located at . Her goal is to help men and women attain long-term success in dating and relationships. She believes that this can only be attained with the correct attitudes and expectations, which is what her recent posts have been about. You can read Nicole latest post, titled "Tips On The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Dating In Your Thirties" at the following location:

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