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Monday, August 27, 2007

The Best US Cities for Singles

From Bonny Albo,
Your Guide to Dating.
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Every year reviews the largest (40) urban centers in the US and - using criteria such as nightlife, the costs associated with single living, dating opportunities or events and the number of singles in the area - determine a list of the best US cities for singles. This year's top city, San Francisco, topped the charts because its cultural opportunities outstripped all of the other contenders, although the number of singles, online dating opportunities and 'cool' were all highly ranked as well.

Formerly top-ranked Denver (from 2004-2006) dropped out of the rankings because of a change in the way Forbes determines an urban area, although Denver still earns the #1 spot for low-cost living. Nightlife heavy New York came in second this year, while Los Angeles (#1 for entertainment), Atlanta and Chicago rounded out the top five cities for singles in the US.

Do you think the Forbes survey missed out a singles-friendly US city, or wrongly ranked any of the top five listed here?


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